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The boys and girls of our family , have not had an easy life. All of them have been hit hard by life at an early age. However , thanks to the generosity of many people, now have a home and can go to school like any other child . Here you can see the history of some of them




Yasir 's mother was a prostitute . When she learned she was pregnant , he tried to abort , but he did not because he was told that he could die during surgery. Yasir born blind and with a congenital heart problem . His mother looked after him during his early years. On one occasion , she had to be admitted to the hospital due to his illness, he went out to get some medicine , but did not return. After a few days, doctors contacted us. Thus he came into our family


Skeena is a Christian girl who lost her father as a child . Given the precarious economic situation in which her ​​mother was , at age 15 he began working as a maid in the house of a wealthy Muslim family. The householder repeatedly raped , became pregnant until Skeena . In Pakistan , the law prohibits extramarital affairs , so he arranged a marriage to an impotent man . After the marriage of Skeena a child was born HAROON. However , the child's father , continued raping a result of which she became pregnant again, so was born MOUSA . The death of the husband of Skeena , the father of her children left abandoned. Currently , Skeena and their children are under our protection.


Irfan Adil's father and brothers, Aquil and Ajab Gull, drove a rickshaw, maintaining his family. Unfortunately, he started taking heroin and quickly became addicted. The family economy soon suffered. There came a time in which the father sold the cart, his only livelihood. The children's mother, in desperation, also started injecting herself heroine. Finally, the family lost their home, which was sold to address the debts incurred by parents for their addiction. Efforts of paragraph detoxify one paternal uncle Irfan, they were useless. Parents died six months interval, taking care of the three children the paternal uncle. However, the wife of Children's uncle rejected them, often mistreating them. Given the situation, the uncle of the boys got in touch with us. · After examining the case, the three brothers Were Admitted Mother Care Center where they have a stable life under our supervision.


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